Friday, April 23, 2010

Book Beginnings Friday: Revolutionary Road

"The final dying sounds of their dress rehearsal left the Laurel players with nothing to do but stand there, silent and helpless, blinking out over the footlights of an empty auditorium." 

Page 1, Sentence 1 of Revolutionary Road by Richard Yates. 

Book Beginnings on Friday is a meme hosted by Becky at Page Turners. Anyone can participate; just share the opening sentence of your current read, making sure that you include the title and author so others know what you're reading. If you like, share with everyone why you do, or do not, like the sentence.


  1. It's so interesting to get a taster of this book. I've seen the film and it left me feeling very unhappy for quite a while after... interesting to see how the first sentence of the novel sets this tone from the off!

    Looking forward to reading your review!

  2. Fantastic first sentence! This looks like a great book (the film looked good too). I really like the description. I hope you enjoy it.

    Here is my book beginning

  3. I did a teaser on Tuesday too that I think was pretty good. I wish it had come from deeper in the novel but I took it from the first page I opened up to.

    @thevanishinglake: I hope to have a review done within the next week or so. The novel is a bit longer than most of what I've been reading lately but I should be able to carve out a hunk of time tomorrow, since a friend is taking our two year old to a party and there will be some afternoon time to curl up with a good book

    @Christina I am definitely enjoying it. It's a bit of a "depressing" kind of story, but it's very real as well. Nothing faked about it and in some ways very enlightening!

    Checking yours out now! :D

  4. That's a very interesting beginning, a little sad can't wait for your review :)

    mine is here

  5. Great sentence. RR has been sitting on my TBR shelf for such a long time. I really need to get it read.

    Here's mine on Rose City Reader.

  6. That sounds amazing, I have always wanted to read this after I saw it reviewed on a televised book club that i enjoy watching. I will keep my eye out for your review

  7. Belated comment here! Thanks for stopping by my blog on Friday's hop. Revolutionary Road was one of my commute reads last year and I almost missed my stop a couple of times. Looking forward to what you have to say about it.
